Need help removing a shaft from a older kluge EHD
Need help removing a shaft from a kluge press. Bought this press from some one in Los Angeles. sadly shaft got bent doing shipping so need some that really knows these presses Am in Katy, TX.
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Need help removing a shaft from a kluge press. Bought this press from some one in Los Angeles. sadly shaft got bent doing shipping so need some that really knows these presses Am in Katy, TX.
What shaft are you talking about, Rocker lock shaft, Bed shaft, Back shaft or Main shaft. Or photo would help.
Please post what the serial number of this press is. It will help to determine what style of bearings you have.
The crankshaft is normally the one that gets bent in shipping. This is why it is important to remove the flywheel(s) for shipping.
One good drop and Bang, Bent shaft.
It is fairly straight forward to replace.
A) Remove the pinion gear. IF you have auto feeding, some timing marks with a center punch. (One dot for the Cam Cluster and 2 dots for the main gear), this will help on re-assy. If you don’t, then there is no timing to worry about.
B) Loosen any set screws on either shaft bearing. Use an aluminum or brass block and sledge hammer to pound out the shaft. Whoever is holding the block, wear THICK leather gloves. Pound it from the “Gear side” out to the “Operator side”. The “Op Side” bearing will come out with the shaft.
C) Check the frame bearings closely. Replace if they are loose or “Sound Dry”.
Install any new bearings then the shaft. The actual drivers used to drive in the bearings are massive units, specially made for this job. You can probably get by with a 1” diameter brass rod about 12” long. Drive the shaft in (from the op side to the gear side, don’t forget the soft metal block and holder person Who really really trusts you) until you see the small shoulder of the shaft just sticking out about 1/32”-1/16” past the gear side frame bearing. Be sure the frame bearing is fully seated. Drive in the operator side frame bearing. Set any set screws. Install the pinion. D) Check the timing by turning press FORWARD by hand. If it doesn’t seem correct, reach out to me, or on here.
A good machine shop may be able to straighten this shaft for you. check prices as compared to a new shaft. It is just cold rolled steel so if it not bent too bad, it should straighten out ok.
That my serial number I was told by kluge it 55 years old press. not surprised because cant seem to find one that similar. I have U-shaped shaft. Also the spring were removed already.
here the picture of the shaft
you will need to remove both flywheels, pinion gear and pump connection. mark the cam cluster and main gear for re-assy. sledge hammer the shaft out to the operator side. this shaft can probably be straightened. A big piece of brass, copper, or hard wood, on the end of the shaft will help prevent mushrooming the end. Even if you do, it can be fixed. The shaft won’t matter how it goes back in, as long as your main gear and cam cluster timing marks line up.
Hello ericm so removed the last flywheel from the operator side and pump connection. Also the pinion gear that I will need to remove is the on the shaft? Also which is the cam cluster and main gear?
Also Just want to say thank you so much for helping me, I really appreciate it.
The “main gear” is the big one. The cam gear is fixed to the cam cluster. You got the pinion correct.
Hello ericm So it been a year and haven’t even started on removing the shaft. been extremely busy. after thinking can I just run this press with out the 2nd wheel and not fix the shaft? will the timing be off? planning to see if I can get it out of storage so I can see what exactly I removed.
The second (gear side) flywheel was added to assist with heavy die cutting. It helps with heavy embossing also. The gears may sound a little bit different but, yes, you can run the press just fine with only the one flywheel.
Check closely however, the shaft. If it bent in the flywheel area, ok. If it is bent at the bearing, (in the frame) making the pinion “wobble”, the shaft should be straightened. Listen for any kind of “wow-wow-wow-wow” in time with the shaft. This indicates tight and loose spots between the gears.
is this the noise you are referring to?
here is what I took off the press and it looks like the shaft is bent in the frame the pinion look out of place.
So you had to remove snap-ring to get the bearing bracket off,then the cam cover? I take it, the bearing will not slide off the shaft?
So you had to remove snap-ring to get the bearing bracket off,then the cam cover? I take it, the bearing will not slide off the shaft?