Type Specimen Books and Brochures

My health has declined to the point that I may not be around in another three years. As such, it is time for me to start selling off my 40-year collection of type specimen books and brochures. At present I have a LIST #3 available which is all my specimens from France. Please contact me and I’ll get the list you you. I have made photographs of every item, and they have been uploaded to WeTransfer. You can download the photos at this link: : https://we.tl/t-jVVmUcoDVe

The link is only good for a few days, so if the photos are gone, email me and I’ll upload them again.

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image: Imprimerie Royale 1845 44.jpg

Imprimerie Royale 1845 44.jpg

image: Imprimerie Royale 1845 40.jpg

Imprimerie Royale 1845 40.jpg

image: Derriey 1862 5.jpg

Derriey 1862 5.jpg

image: Imprimerie Royale 1845 28.jpg

Imprimerie Royale 1845 28.jpg

image: Mayeur c1913 6.jpg

Mayeur c1913 6.jpg

image: FTF Deauville $40 1.jpg

FTF Deauville $40 1.jpg

image: Deberny Peignot Caractere 1925 $40 1.jpg

Deberny Peignot Caractere 1925 $40 1.jpg

image: Peignot 1902 Vol1 $500 10.jpg

Peignot 1902 Vol1 $500 10.jpg

image: FTF Paris 1.jpg

FTF Paris 1.jpg

image: FTF c1930 $300 8.jpg

FTF c1930 $300 8.jpg

image: FTF Stylo 1.jpg

FTF Stylo 1.jpg