Handling this for my friend who was involved in letterpress for the past 80 years who has recently passed away at the age of 93. Print shop is located in an attached 2 car garage... more
Antique standing Gordon Press, chase size 8x12. It has a motor (not currently attached) but the original foot treadle, which had been removed, is included. There is a chip or two... more
I’m a wedding stationer in Maryland and I’m in need of a printer that i can send jobs to for my couples. I am in need of a hot foil stamp and a letterpress provider.... more
I bought this little press on eBay years ago and I never did what I planned on doing with it unfortunately. It’s in beautiful condition, works great. It comes with new... more
Kelsey 5x8 Model U, appears to be original paint. Roller seem to have life left in them. Comes with plenty of extras, quions, tympan paper, furniture, slug cutter. I’ll even... more
Complete Print Shop for sale, Memphis, Tennessee: three presses (8x12” Chandler and Price, 7 1/2x11” Pearl, and 14x21” Line-o-scribe proof press), 24 type... more
I’m looking for the cast piece that connects my treadle to the press. Mine broke! Help! I don’t know the name for this piece -
I’ve attached a photo of... more
I’m looking for a platen assembly for a Golding Pearl 3, The one on the press now is clearly home-made. Ideally complete with bolts and tension spring, intact gripper system... more
I’m looking to part with my Merritt Galley. It’s in good working order. It could stand new rollers but the ones on it now are serviceable. The problem is, as a working... more
Bookbinding & Letterpress James Day Estate Auction
Numbering machines, High speed, Wickersham and Zim Quions, Lots of Type, New old stock Type, Wickersham lock up quoins... more
It has been a labour of love to restore this circa. 1890 Arab press. Even printed our daughter’s wedding stationery on it…
For sale with many extras see... more
Hello! We’re a lab based in a public university library in central Virginia who’s looking for ways to store and organize our small collection of type, as well as surfaces... more
I have a number of wonderful and hard to find parts for Golding Pearl No. 3 presses, including two platens, a print bed, a pair of original rollers and trucks (in need of... more
I’m relatively new to letterpress and the book arts and am currently in the market for a manual guillotine/stack paper cutter that I can use for trimming book blocks. I’m... more
Does anyone have roller trucks and a chase spare or the dimensions for a C&P Pilot desktop platen. I am renovating one and need those bits urgently.
In Hope!
Rod... more
1 Galley rack with large quantity of pre-cut leads (different) point widths. 2 cabinets full of aluminium, resalite furniture and many quoins. The drawer height is just perfect... more