Need help with a Baltimore Jobber #4
Hi everyone! I am hoping someone might be able to help me find out some additional information on the Baltimore Jobber #4. I have had very little luck finding anything through Google so far. I have taken a couple of letterpress workshops (but still consider myself very much a beginner and don’t yet know all of the technical terms, etc.), would love to start doing it on my own, and as luck would have it a family member had this press in their basement. I’ve only worked on a Vandercook flatbed press and was looking to get more of a smaller tabletop press, but was wondering if it would be worth fixing this one up since it’s already in the family.
I haven’t seen it in person yet, but was hoping to have a better handle on what to look for when I go. I’d like to get some sort of manual or diagram so I can tell what parts it might be missing. I’m worried that since it seems to be sort of uncommon that I might have trouble finding replacement parts if I need to. I am also interested to know what this might be worth. It looks rusty from the pictures, but I’m told the wheel and pedal both move pretty smoothly. I would really appreciate some information or advice!
another photo
I’d say take it and go for it! The only parts I can’t see are one gripper (there appears to be one lying on the platen, which means the gripper mechanism is probably intact) and rollers and roller trucks, which you can have made for this press for a WHOLE lot less than the cost of the cheapest hand tabletop press. Otherwise it looks to be complete, though dirty — but that should be easy to clean up. I would guess it’s a 7x11 (chase size), and with a treadle it will be safe and fun to operate, as well as good exercise for the legs. It probably weighs 500-600lbs, but if you can I’d suggest moving it without taking it apart — just remove the ink disc and treadle. It should be narrow enough to fit through a door.
Good luck and enjoy! Printing with a press like that can be a real kick! (Pun intended!) Just don’t break it by trying to do deep impression on it.
I’d have to side with Bob. It looks like the major elements are intact, and you have a chase in the press. If you go to take a look in person, search for anything else in the room that might go with it, including roller cores, tools, roller trucks, and other paraphenalia.
If the price is right, go for it. A little elbow grease in cleaning with reap big rewards. I’d even say that you should be able to do some deep impression of smaller forms on this press, certainly more than any tabletop you’d be able to find.
John Henry
Cedar Creek Press
to all
In Australia, there is an “electronic” system for sale which claims to stop automobiles (cars) rusting; I wonder if there is anything in it, I wonder if anyone can be sure it works?
But if it does, would it help stop cast-iron presses from rusting? Any experience? But don’t waste time on this unless you are convinced that the “electronic” anti-rust device has any credence.
About a century ago, Australians were known for “selling” the Sydney Harbour Bridge, or gold mines, or other things; now we are being sold all kinds of things in many hoaxes, even “investment” plans, a very serious deception.
Thank you! This makes me feel a lot better about attempting to restore it. Does anyone have a sense of what this might be worth? I will definitely search the rest of the basement to see what else I can find. I think the price will definitely be right (it’ll either be free or at the most maybe a few hundred dollars — is that reasonable?). Any ideas where I could find a manual or operating instructions for this model or at least something similar?