Wood Type Cabinet Pricing

Hey Ya’ll,

I’m curious what the going rate is for a 25 drawer Hamilton cabinet made for wood type that is empty (no type). A friend saw it an antique store, so a fellow printer is not selling it.

Love to hear what you think it’s worth in 2020.


image: woodtypecabinet.jpg


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I bet I’m going to be wildly under for what the store has it priced at, but I’d say around $250

ASP (antique store price) could be $500 to $900, PTP (printer-to-printer) price probably $250 to $400.

If all cases are blank, painted finish and hardware are all points to drive the price down on. Nice cabinet for storing smaller sizes of wood type or blocks.

I bought the same cabinet with divided cases and no pulls, painted the same gray, last winter for $100.00

Generally the wood type cabinets have much larger cases. This one might be a cut cabinet for storing illustrative materials. Although it certainly could be used for storing wood type.

John Henry
Cedar Creek Press

The cabinet was priced at $900, I’m glad to hear that this is considered a ridiculous price!

Totally absurd price, unless you’re an interior decorator. If you’re a printer, talk to John Barrett for something in a reasonable price range.