Heidelberg Feeding Table Issues
Hey, I recently purchased a 10x15 Heidelberg Windmill and have been practicing running some thick 110lb cover through it. At first it seemed like the air was separating the paper on the feeding table just fine but then it seemed like it stopped all of a sudden. Two questions then!
1) How does the knob in the picture operate? I can’t seem to understand it?
2) What other things can I do to increase the air flow? (the open lever below the table is already set to full)
The air & vacuum pump sits at the back right of the press as you look at the press. Follow the hoses and check for any unattached. They do fall off. They also get poorly attached thru the years.
I run two windmills. The one which is likely newer has noticably less air than the other. FWIW.
If the air abruptly cut out as you mentioned it’s likely a blower hose let loose. However, if you need more air separation the simplest step is to turn the valve for the delivery blow down to it’s off position; enabling more air for the feeder separation blowers. That valve is on the right side about waist high (?).
For my machine with less blow what I do as (usually) needed… is
There are several blower cut outs for the feeder. I stuff wadded up anything; tissue, paper towel, into the unused blowers and cover with masking tape. It helps significantly.
Good luck.
I dont see a picture? Turn the air knob on the left front of the feeder to noon and the air knob on the delivery side to 3 oclock and see what happens. The knob on the feed pickup side in front of the press, make sure it did not slip. Mine is always loose so I put a piece of card stock to hold it 12 oclock. Be sure the paper is not clamped to tight by the side guides or rear guides. You want to hold it in place but not with a death grip. Make sure the table did not come up to high, the idea is to blow or slightly lift the sheets up to the grippers. You should see, hear, feel the air. There is a hose that runs from the pump and connects along the frame under the delivery tray. They do come off as noted. The actual blower hose behind the pick up point do get old and can crack causing air loss as do the blower lines. Since you said this is a new purchase those lines may old, cracked, clogged or have weak clamps. The blower holes on the feed table can become clogged and no air comes out. I take a small pin and works each hole and allow them to blow free. Let us know what happens.
Remember to fan your stock as you load it. That can help immensely.
set the height and air blast and oil everything especially the pump. Air blast the top 6 sheets of well fanned stock. Tilt the sheet slips passed the the fingers. Set this by tilting ubtil it wont pick up but then adjust. Stack rise one sheet out one click
set the height and air blast and oil everything especially the pump. Air blast the top 6 sheets of well fanned stock. Tilt the sheet slips passed the the fingers. Set this by tilting ubtil it wont pick up but then adjust. Stack rise one sheet out one click
Just don’t over oil the air pump. You will see oil marks on the edges of your stock.