Hello! I am in search of a working 6.5x10 Chandler Price Pilot Press (or close). I am located in SE Louisiana so something within in a 300 mile... more
High Speed Quoins and a key for letterpress printing lock-ups. There are a variety of sizes, ranging from 3” to 12.5”. Check out my website to browse and purchase:... more
Cleaning out the studio today and realizing I have to let this beautiful Hamilton California Job Type cabinet go because I need the room. It’s 6ft wide and has 48 drawers (not... more
Selling a 5x8 Kelsey Press. It is in working condition and has all parts. The rollers are original and can be used, but are not in the best shape. It comes with a boxcar base and... more
I am looking for a “Roller Arm Link” for a Sigwalt Nonpareil #24 letterpress. See attached pic of part. If anyone has one they wish to sell, please contact me.
Everything you need to start a letterpress business. We are selling 3 Chandler and Price printing presses, one Baltimore Jobber #4 printing press (rare and fully restored), 2... more
Full list of equipment below! Everything you need to start your own printshop.
These items are all sold together and must be picked up by the buyer. All the equipment is stored... more
I recently purchased a Southworth Corner Rounder, and I am searching for knives for it.
I have a 5/16” radius knife (pictured below), and would like to add 3/8” and... more
99% sure this inking assembly is for a Vandercook 317, maybe somebody can confirm. We got it off eBay a few years back because the listing said it was for a 320G, which it... more
I’m a stationer in Monroe Louisiana and I specialize in Luxury papers, printing styles, and Letterpress. I’m looking to find a person who can be my “go to”... more
I’m looking for parts for a heidelberg windmill 10 x15, including:
- a 10 x15 chase
- all 4 rubber rollers or just the cores
- trucks and bearings needed... more
Hello Everyone!
I’m looking for some who can provide hot foil stamping services for my stationery business who is relatively local. I’m located in Monroe... more
i have a large font of 18 pt. atf typo script, but have no punctuation marks. any quantity of each would be welcome. if you have any to spare, let me know how much you would like... more
Free Miehle V50, runs and feeds when we got it several years back. Never printed on it. Has been stored in a metal fabrication shop so needs major cleaning and some attention. No... more
Hello, I’m looking for a spare set of Vandercook #4 rollers or cores - any chance anyone out there has a set they’re willing to sell or trade me? Thanks so much!
Baskerville, a nonprofit letterpress printing and book arts studio in New Orleans, is offering classes:
6-week Introduction to Bookbinding Class (Non-Adhesive Structures)... more
Looking for someone with a parts press. The cam - listed on a parts sheet as the “small head and lock cam” - on my press is broken and I am hoping for a replacement.... more
I’m looking to part with a few random items around my studio:
Van Son Oil Based Ink Gold 874, 2lb. can, opened but used a small amount once
Mitutoyo micrometer -... more