TPI Count for C&P Fasteners
I’ve assembled a press that I’ve recently bought, and it appears that it is missing two fasteners—the two that attach the throw off bracket to the left side frame. They are approximately 1/2” x 2”. The throw off lever “screw” as it’s called in the parts catalog threaded into the hole in the frame just fine, so I used that as a sample and took the fastener to the local specialty bolt store.
However, it appears that this fastener is 12 TPI, and not 13 like standard 1/2” bolts. Has anyone run into this before? If so, does anyone have some extra bolts they can send my way, or point me towards where I can find a few?
Link to the C&P New Series Parts PDF for reference.
Many thanks, Gerald
C&P parts predate SAE standardization, so there are some bastard threads, like 1/2”-12. You might find the same in a Linotype or its spare parts box.
Very likely British Standard Whitworth.
If it is really 1/2”-12, then prob have to make on a lathe. 9/16” comes in a 12 pitch.
It is 1/2-12. These are still available, as are taps and dies. Most US. British and European machines built in the first half of the 20th century used 12s. Today most marine shipping crates specify them. They are easier to spin on. The 12 emminates from Whitworth but sans the crowned thread. Any good fastener supply can supply these. is an article that may shed more light on the discussion.
Thanks Nick. Very interesting information in your comments above, as well as in your article on I was not aware that the fastener situation was that involved and complicated.
This is Ancient History, but issues such as this one are the reason why, when writing to Chandler & Price (or other manufacturers), they requested the serial number(s) of the unit(s) that the parts were for, as changes WERE occasionally made. Unfortunately, their records are long lost, unless someone (probably in Cleveland) had the pack-rat foresight to latch onto them. If so, then I would like to know whom, to congratulate them on their foresight.
Teikaut, how did things go with your local graphic arts machinery shop ?
Winfred Reed
Black Diamond Press (Kentucky)
If anyone is looking for similar BSW bolts, try this company (on this side of the “pond”):
John Henry
Cedar Creek Press